Saturday 9 July 2005

things start to return to normal

...or as close to normal as they've been for the past month.

I phoned home and everyone is OK. Mums hospital was put on Red Alert but didn't get any of the casualties at there not close enough to the city center. The casualties were spreat between, Great Ormond Street, Kings, UCH and St Marys.

The blasts were the hot topic of conversation in Fiji all day and in the bar that evening everyone was glued to BBC news.

As soon as some one hears the accent the start talking about the bombs. It's nice to know that so many people care.

You'll be glad to hear that my inital wave of panic disipated and I didn't rush to the airport to fly home. Instead, I continued with my plans and am now in Brisbane, Australia.

The airline broke my suitcase, I droped and smashed my bottle of duty free rum, my ears won't pop, I have a cold and I feel like shit. But my family is ok so I'm going to stop complaining.

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